Estd. 1986
Accredited by NBA & NAAC with 'A' Grade
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Approved by AICTE - New Delhi,
ISO 21001:2018 Certified
About IQAC
Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) has been constituted in January 2019 to develop the Quality Benchmarks/parameters in various activities of the AICTE, MHRD, and VTU by creating awareness on quality aspects and monitoring of quality measures of the institution.

The main objectives of IQAC include enhancing the competence of the faculty by adopting modern and Innovative teaching-learning process, maintaining a state of the art infrastructure and congenial learning atmosphere, collaborating with Industry, Inculcating moral and ethical values among the students and Faculty, Promoting Innovation and Research, and Development activities among students and Faculties.

The main strategies include the planning for uniform documentation throughout the College to conduct IQAC quality check Audits every semester for Academic improvement. To implement Quality policy in conduction of Internal Assessment Test and to promote Feedback form and action taken Report in all Academic and Co-curriculum activities performed in the College

The Main Functions of IQAC are to conduct one meeting per month to ensure effective implementation of the Quality policies, provide uniform templates for all documents to maintain uniformity in the documentation. And to conduct regular audits semester-wise as a part of the improvement of the Quality check.

Rewards are positive outcomes that are earned as a result of staff’s and student’s performance and achievement. These rewards are Best Outgoing Student, Topper of the Class, and Best project of the Department.

Some of the Best Practices adopted in the Institute to improve Quality assessment are

  1. The College acts as the remote center of Virtual Lab NIT, Suratkal thus filling the curriculum gaps by inducing design-based experiments.
  2. Guest Lectures are regularly arranged for problematic and innovative subjects by distinguished personalities from Industries like BEML (Bharath Earth Movers Limited, KGF), NIRM (National Institute of Rock mechanics, KGF), Deccan Hydraulics Ltd, Bangarpet
  3. Regular training & placement is imparted by TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), CISCO Academy, and ICT Academy.
  4. The college organizes Cultural Festival named GOLD RUSH every year to expose the student’s talents. The institute also organizes International Conference ICRTTEAS every year to promote technical talents with the international community. All the Research Articles presented are published in Book Proceeding and selected articles are recommended for publication in Scopus journals.
  5. NSS-Unit of the Technical Campus has been very active and arrange camping in remotest villages every year.
  6. IIC (Institute Innovation Council) has been set up in Institution and various technical events are conducted. Due to tireless effort made by IIC Cell, the Institution was backed up with four stars during 2019-20 & 2020-21
  7. An ambitious R&D Research Centre under VTU has been established in all Departments which promote students and faculty involvement to organize research-oriented workshops, seminars, and expert talks from MHRD and other reputed institutions for the benefit of all concerns.
Quality Policy
Dr.T.Thimmaiah Institute of Technology is committed to create ambience for enhancing skills and competence in Science, Technology, Engineering and management (STEM) of students and promote innovative spirit to cater the challenging needs of society.
Initiating through
  1. Enhancing the competence of the faculty by adopting modern and Innovative teaching learning process.
  2. Maintaining state of the art infrastructure and congenial learning atmosphere.
  3. Collaborating with Industry, Institution and Organization for mutual benefits.
  4. Inculcating moral and ethical values among the students and staff.
  5. Promoting Innovation, Research and Development activities among students and faculties.
  6. Providing soft and Hardware Training to the Students.
IQAC Committee
Sl No Member Name Designation Composition Cell Designation Contact No Email
1 Dr.Syed Ariff Principal Head of the Institution Chairman 9448574037 [email protected]
2 Dr. C. Krishna Kumar Secretory, GVET Management Representative Member 9449730798 [email protected]
3 Dr.H.G.Shenoy Vice Principal Administrative Representative Member 9880206257 [email protected]
4 Prof.Ruckmani Divakaran Dean Academics Administrative Representative Member 9880253460 [email protected]
5 Mr. R Thangaraj Accounts Head Administrative Representative Member 9845325104 [email protected]
6 Mr. Jayanth Kumar B V AGM, BEML,KGF Alumnus Member 9481585096 [email protected]
7 Mr. Jeya Kumar Sr. Manager, R&D Department, BEML,KGF Industry Representative Member 9901037987 [email protected]
8 Mr.Sandeep B R Managing Director, Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet Employer Member 9845610300, 9845610258 [email protected]
9 Dr.P.D.Sudersanan Professor, Mechanical Faculty Member 7019680450 [email protected]
10 Dr.Manas Mukhopadhyay HOD, Mining Faculty Member 9420028064 [email protected]
11 Dr.Lakshmipathy.N. HOD,EEE Faculty Member 8762208659 [email protected]
12 Dr.Jenitha A Associate Professor, Faculty Member 9449680553 [email protected]
13 Dr. Manjunath C Associate Professor, Maths Faculty Member 8277386020 [email protected]
14 Prof M Maneela Associate Professor, Civil Faculty Member 8660958149 [email protected]
15 Prof. N Sharmila Kumari Assistant Professor, CSE Faculty Member 9591606083 [email protected]
16 Mr. M Chethan L III Year Student, CSE Student Coordinator Member 8073470114 [email protected]
17 Dr. K M Palaniswamy Professor, ECE Faculty Coordinator 7010683935 [email protected]
Functions of IQAC
  • Development of quality bench marks/parameters in various activities of the AICTE, MHRD and VTU.
  • Creating awareness on quality aspects.
  • Organization of Quality circles.
  • Continuous recording and monitoring the quality measures of the institution
  • HOD’s are required to nominate one faculty as their department coordinator for IQAC
  • Following information are made available on the college website.
    1. Objective of IQAC
    2. Functions of IQAC
    3. Strategies of IQAC
    4. Benefits of IQAC
  • Conduct one meeting per month to ensure effective implementation of the Quality policies.
  • Arrange IQAC programmes at the departments/ college level.
  • Invite the outside experts to elicit their views on the functioning of IQAC.
  • Promote Industry Institute Interaction cell (IIIC) in all department as value addition.
  • Obtain input from the HOD’s and other stake holders to strengthen the necessary skills which can increase their employability.
  • HOD’s are made responsible to take necessary steps to maintain the quality at the department level.
  • Need to identify the grey areas for future improvements.
    1. Training Placement officer (TPO)
    2. Training Coordinator
    3. Internship Coordinator
    4. Librarian
    5. Hostel Warden
    6. Physical Director
    7. NSS officer
  • Provide templates for Program Assessment Committee and Department Advisory Council, so that all the departments can maintain the uniformity for NAAC and NBA.
  • Generate IQAC report that should be submitted to the NBA and other monitoring committees.
Best practices followed in Dr.TTIT, KGF
Institute Name: Dr.T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, KGF
Institute State: Karnataka
Institute Address: Oorgaum (Po), Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka-53120
Principal Name: Dr. Syed Ariff
Contact Number9448574037 Email: [email protected]

1. Goal
The goal of this practice is to appreciate the work done by the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students of the institute and motivate them to excel in their areas of expertise. This practice would ensure continuous improvement in their performance as per the quality policy to achieve the Vision and Mission of the institute.
2. The Context
The institute believes that a motivated workforce (Staff and Students) can be a significant factor in institute’s success. When staff and students are motivated to work at higher levels of their skills and abilities, the institute as a whole runs more efficiently and is more effective at achieving its objectives and goals. For this reason, the institute has understood the power of reward systems and how they are helpful in influencing Students and Staff behavior. Rewards are positive outcomes that are earned as a result of staff’s and students’ performance and achievement. These rewards are aligned with institute’s objectives and goals. When any staff or student helps the institute in the achievement of one of its objectives and goals, a reward often follows.
3. The Practice
The institute has constituted the following rewards for students. The mode of reward is in terms of cash, appreciation certificates or mementos.
1. Best Outgoing Student
2. Topper of the Class
3. Best project of the Department
4. Best Practices By Institute:
  1. The college follows an outcome based education by developing course plans with objectives and outcomes. Though the college is affiliated to VTU, Belagavi curriculum gaps are plugged through design based experiments, additional labs other than the curriculum and evaluated systematically through different assessment tools.
  2. Guest Lectures are regularly arranged for problematic and innovative subjects by distinguished personalities from Industries like BEML(Bharath earth Movers Limited, KGF), NIRM(National Institute of Rock mechanics, KGF), Deccan Hydraulics Ltd, Bangarpet and NIT’s.
  3. Regular Industrial Visits for students are arranged to nearby Industries like BEML(Bharath earth Movers Limited, KGF), NIRM(National Institute of Rock mechanics, KGF), AIR(All India Radio), Banglore, Deccan Hydraulics Ltd, Bangarpet, IISC, Banglore, ISRO Banglore, HAL, Banglore and also to other industries in and around Bengaluru.
  4. Regular training & placement is imparted in distinguished areas by TCS(Tata Consultancy Services), CISCO Academy, ICT Academy to the students to make them employable.
  5. The college has encouraged students to pursue internships in reputed and Navaratna industries during the vacations and acquire necessary problem solving skills.
  6. The college organizes Skill based Technical and Cultural Festival named GOLD RUSH every year to compete the students talents (Tech fests, Paper presentations,Idea and innovation contests, Cultural etc).
  7. Company specific incubation labs have been setup such as, CISCO Learning Center, TCS Training Center by TCS with an objective to develop students ability with innovative products in a cost effective manner.
  8. Parents meet are conducted regularly every semester to take the regular feedback about the progress of their ward and overall development of the college.
  9. A unique counseling process is followed wherein each faculty is allocated 20 students as a Proctor with an objective to constantly follow student progress and accordingly suggest changes in case of any deviation.
  10. The Institute offers students services like counseling placement training support, personality grooming and Plant Visit / Corporate Lectures / Summer Training / Seminar / Project Report / Continuous Evaluation/ Publication / Pre- placement Talk / For final Placement.
  11. The institute also organizes International Conference ICRTTEAS every year to promote the technical talents with international community. All the Research Articles presented in the international conferences are published in the form of Book Proceeding and selected articles are recommended for publication in Scopus journals.Two Best papers have been selected from each Department and published in Scopus Journals at free of cost.
  12. Further all technical developments and students and staff centric activities are published in Technical Magazine every Semester.
  13. Remote Center of VTU belgaum, e-shikshana to conduct online faculty development programs and workshops for improvement in teaching-learning process.
  14. NSS-Unit of the Technical Campus has been very active in maintaining objective of Swatch Bhart Abhiyan. They are camping every year once in the remotest village of India.
  15. ICRTTEAS( International Conference on recent trends in Technology, Engineering and Applied Sciences) is organized every year to facilitate International Technical bed for budding engineers.
  16. IIC(Institute Innovation Council) has been setup in Institution and various technical events are conducted and telecast to promote Atmanirbhar(“self-reliance" or as "self-sufficiency". i.e self-sufficient India. ) among young Engineers.Due to tireless effort made by IIC Cell, the Institution was backed up with four stars in ARIA ranking during 2019-20
  17. Use of knimbus learning recourses, multimedia and internet recourses for teaching is in place.
  18. Students' feedback about teachers' performance and follow-on action implemented. To ensure human beings valuable participation and contribution to the national and worldwide growth.
  19. An ambitious R&D Research Centre under VTU has been established in all Departments which promotes students and faculty involvement to organize research oriented workshops, seminars and expert talks from MHRD and other reputed institutions for the benefit of all concerns.
  20. ISO 21001:2018 Quality Assurance management system for educational organizations (EOMS) was adopted to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of competence through teaching, learning or research.
  21. Various Professional bodies like CSI(Computer Society of India), IETE(Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) has been initiated to promote the students involvement towards latest Technological trends.
  22. Ragging is an undesirable social offence which is totally banned in the campus. Keeping in view the public notice of AICTE on curbing the menace of ragging, centralized committees of Senior Faculty is constituted to check the ragging in the Campus. Contacts numbers of senior faculty members are displayed in the campus, canteen, hostels and in the buses to bring the matter, if any to the notice of authorities.
  23. Transparency is ensured in evaluating student’s academic performance. .Internal academic audit at campus level has been introduced.
  24. Teacher’s performance has been evaluated by the students twice in an Semester through Feedback Form.
  25. 24*7 Wi-Fi campus
  26. 24*7 availability of in house medical facility and also provision of ambulances for medical care of students and faculty,
  27. 24*7 electricity and water supply is ensured in the campus by arranging the normal supply with DG sets.
  28. Water sewage plant has been installed in the campus and purified water is being utilized for Gardening purpose.
  29. Plantation Every year students along with the garden staff plant trees. The saplings Subsequent care is taken by the gardeners. Due to this continous program all over the year, the campus has become lush and green. Also, a herbal garden consisting of plants with medicinal values is cultivated in the college campus.
  30. UHV Cell All Faculties are encouraged to participate in AICTE sponsored UHV FDPs thereby enabling them to inculcate human values in the minds of young generation.

View the Annual Report :Click Here

View the Annual Report :Click Here
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
(Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE - New Delhi)
An ISO 21001 Certified Institute